Jesus Fellowship Closure
In May 2019, the Jesus Fellowship church closed following a vote of its members. Members of the associated Jesus Fellowship Community Trust voted to close the Trust in December 2020.
Since December 2020, the Jesus Fellowship Community Trust has existed solely as a residuary body with one purpose – winding up the administrative affairs of the Jesus Fellowship church. New trustees were brought in to oversee this work, which includes implementing the Redress Scheme, supporting survivors and former members, and ultimately closing the Trust.
You can find out more information on the Phases of Closure page.
Closure Statement
Date: November 2021
Please note that this statement contains information which those involved in the Jesus Fellowship may find distressing, and we have marked these sections with (*) on the contents page.
If you prefer, we have also provided a summary of the statement, with potentially distressing content removed.
This statement was produced in November 2021, as the Redress Scheme was still being setup. Any reference to the scope of the Redress Scheme has now been superseded by our application guidance.
Date: November 2021
The Trustees of the Jesus Fellowship Community Trust and I wish to state publicly that we are deeply sorry for, and appalled by the abuse that occurred in the Jesus Fellowship Church (JFC) and the residential New Creation Christian Community (NCCC). We offer an unreserved apology to all those affected.
For some time, the Trustees have been aware of the need to definitively explain and share information that relates to allegations of abuse in the Jesus Fellowship Church.
The purpose of this document is to set out the Trustees’ understanding of certain aspects of the JFC’s history, which is based upon the evidence we have seen and heard.
We believe this statement will provide meaningful recognition of harm, abuse and adverse experience suffered by individuals, and help those affected in their journey to find closure and new hope in their lives.
The Trustees are also aware that this statement will hold significance for Trust members, other churches and faith groups, and the wider public.
The Jesus Fellowship Community Trust is committed to fair Redress and this statement sets out the Trustees’ reasoning in the design of the Redress Scheme. It also provides draft details of the Jesus Fellowship Redress Scheme, including eligibility criteria and the scope of abuse and adverse experiences to be included. The final scope of Redress remains subject to ongoing legal and insurance consultation, and feedback from current JFCT members.
Please note that this statement is not the conclusion of an investigation, nor is it an exhaustive treatment of the history of the JFC.
The Trustees believe further information may come to light through the Redress Scheme, and if so, this will be publicly reported on periodically.
Martin Desborough
Chair of Trustees
Jesus Fellowship Community Trust